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A Background on Autism

Since this website critique addresses autism spectrum disorder in relation to vaccines and the hygiene hypothesis, here's a few quick facts about autism spectrum disorder.

A Background on Autism: About
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that impairs communication and behavior.

  • It can have minor impacts on a person’s life, or it can be a disability that requires full-time care. Due to this wide variation in type and severity of symptoms, autism is known as a “spectrum” disorder.

  • Autistic individuals often have difficulty with social interactions, restricted or obsessive interests, and repetitive behaviors. Oftentimes, people on the spectrum have trouble understanding what other people think and feel. It may be difficult for autistic individuals to express themselves and they may experience learning difficulties.

  • The exact causes of ASD remain unknown. However, given the complexity of the disorder, it is suspected that genetic and environmental factors may play a role. 

A Background on Autism: Text

© Spring 2020 by Olivia Jazbutis. A Biological Anthropology Assignment at the University of Notre Dame.

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